Taking a Mark for Men’s Health

November 14, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Australia/Melbourne Timezone
Moe Racing Club
Waterloo Road

Former AFL premiership player and coach David Parkin will take a mark for men’s health when he speaks to the Rotary Club of Moe and broader community on Monday, November 14.The former Hawthorn premiership captain who led the Hawks to their second flag in 1971, and later did the same at the Blues, will talk about prostate cancer and the need to get screened. Parkin’s passion for educating men and their partners about the issues they face will be at the forefront of the discussion. Cost is $10 with tea, coffee and a light supper provided at the Moe Racing Club function room. Tickets to the Rotary Club of Moe event on November 14 are available through Eventbrite. Bring you, your partner and your friends and take a mark for men’s health.

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